
Cindy Gallop: Where The Money Is

Get tips from the legend about how to make an absolute goddam ton of money.


Keynote: Where the Money Is

Cindy Gallop closed out The 3% Conference with a rousing call-to-arms: Achieve true gender equality by ending sexual harassment.

by Shameka Brown Barbosa


Keynote: Inclusion and Acceptance

Billy Bean—the only openly gay Major League Baseball player alive today—has a message for us all about the costs of hiding who you are & who you love.

by Christina Melander


Keynote: Life is a Playground

Kyle Cease opened Day 2 of The 3% Conference with a keynote aimed to have the audience rethink everything and everyone in their orbit...for better.

by Becky Brinkerhoff


Keynote: The Many Faces of Privilege

Beyond Gender emcee, Luvvie Ajayi, leads a spellbinding Privilege Walk to kick off Day 1 of the 2017 3% Conference.

by Christina Melander


Pecha Kucha

What happens when you task a speaker to share 20 images that automatically advance every 20 seconds? You get storytelling that’s crisp, concise and visually compelling. Today’s speakers will tackle ageism, transgenderism, and youism (building your personal brand).


Keynote: Inclusion and Acceptance

The only openly gay Major League Baseball player (current or former) alive today has a message for us all about the costs of hiding who you are and who you love.


Panel: Daughters of the Evolution

What does the youngest generation think about women in advertising? Find out as we meet the daughters of advertising's leaders.


Lunch + Learn: How to Market Diversity

Diversity is everyone’s responsibility, yet it often requires persuading key stakeholders to prioritize it.


My Failure Resume

Three esteemed leaders present their biggest mistakes.


Now I Know

Blind spots. We all have them. About others and about ourselves. And only when we risk being wrong can we know what’s true. On the other side of discomfort are transformative “Now I Know” moments.


Keynote: The Many Faces of Privilege

Let’s kick off our BEYOND GENDER theme by considering one of the most misunderstood words today: “privilege.” Defining it fully can be a defining moment.